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Our Classified Section & Warehouse Clearance Sale:
Click to see a list of organs, consoles and many other in stock items for sale.

Recently Completed Projects:

  • Elvira Zion Lutheran Church, Clinton, IA - Installation of the rebuilt and digitized console and relay as well as add a 4' Octave to their nice 2 manual - 6 rank Wangerin organ was completed April 2010.

  • Orion United Methodist Church, Orion, IL - Contracted January 2010 to rebuild and digitize the console and relay to the 2 manual - 12 rank Hinners Organ. This work was completed September 2010.

What's Next:

  • Saint Bernadette Catholic Church, Springfield, VA - Contracted August 2010 for an all-new 3 manual French style terraced drawknob console, all new relays and a total rebuild of the 3 manual - 26 rank organ.  This work is scheduled to be completed in 2011 by Easter.

    This project is an exciting one!  It's coming along quite nicely as you can see by the following pictures:

  • Grace Lutheran Church, Davenport, IA - Contracted October 2010 to rebuild, digitize, clean and releather bellows.  Three new ranks will be added to make the organ 12 ranks in size.  This work is scheduled to be completed in Summer 2011.


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Levsen Organ Company  ·  PO Box 542 Buffalo, Iowa  52728  ·  (800) 397-1242  ·  FAX (563) 381-1257  ·